中國大陸 卡彭
臺灣 卡彭
El-P -Capone (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Released: 2020.05.29
「硬漢」湯姆哈迪 (Tom Hardy) 主演的電影《Capone》新角色為美國最惡名昭彰的黑幫老大艾爾卡彭,電影由《超能失控》(Chronicle)、《驚奇4超人》(Fantastic Four) 喬許特蘭克 (Josh Trank) 執導,可惜的是,電影取消院線計畫,將於 5 月12 日直上串流,但導演也表示希望未來有機會讓電影躍上大銀幕。
01. Italy theme
02. something in the hall
03. by car and by boat
04. intruders
05. we don't use that name around here
06. walking in to a dream
07. give it up for Al
08. mama's hurt
09. still a family... assassin!
10. you're a good man, Al
11. Al hell breaks loose
12. back from hell
13. this is Al that's left
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