根据James Patterson畅销小说改编的解谜游戏《灭罪红颜》发行了第三篇章。《Twice in a Blue Moon》将使玩家再一次加入灭罪红颜小组,和警探Lindsay,法医Claire,检察官Jill,报社记者Cindy,4名女主角一起去破译秘密信息,收集证据,发现事实真相,阻止杀手的疯狂行径。
*Tom Clancy’s H.A.W.X.® 2 Benchmark - 717 MB
1、Dowload the “.EXE” file from the link above to your computer
2、Launch the Benchmark application via “.EXE” file
3、The UBI launcher will pop up requiring an ubi.com user account
4、If already own an ubi.com account, then enter your username and password in order to start the Benchmark application
If you don’t have an account then proceed to creating one via the launcher by pressing “Register NOW” button completing the following fields or by visiting www.ubisoft.com website
5、After filling all fields and submitting them the following pop up will appear
6、Accepting the “Terms of Service” will finish the account creation and the following screen will pop up
7、After the login is performed the Benchmark application will start automatically